American comedian (1921-2000)
Laughter would appear to be a physical reflex, although even if it is, this still leaves unanswered the question of why the human response to humor is a convulsive spasm of the respiratory mechanism rather than a crossing of the eyes or a waving of the arms.
How to Be Funny
In a rational society we would want our presidents to be teachers. In our actual society we insist that they be cheerleaders.
Historically there has long been a certain tension between the arts and social policy. Humankind has always been practiced at breaking the moral law, but poets, novelists, philosophers, dramatists, and journalists have at least attempted to transmit positive messages, often by specifically criticizing what is vile and criminal in society. What we are witnessing today, by way of contrast, is the apparently willing cooperation--sometimes even the enthusiastic leadership--of the practitioners of popular culture to degrade an already deeply disturbed society.
Vulgarians at the Gate
That our nation is in the throes of a moral collapse of serious dimensions is, apparently, no longer a debatable conclusion. Liberal and conservative spokesmen vie to see who shall express the conviction most vigorously. Churchmen and secularists, too, agree that we have fallen upon evil days. These various groups naturally differ as to the reasons for the situation, but that it exists no one seems prepared to deny.
But Seriously: Steve Allen Speaks His Mind
One of the nice things about problems is that a good many of them do not exist except in our imaginations.
How to Make a Speech