quotations about altruism

How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it, except the pleasure of seeing it.


The Theory of Moral Sentiments

While altruism is frequently thought to be a cornerstone of Christian ethics, as a category it is unknown in Greek thought. It was energetically attacked by Nietzsche as entailing an unhealthy suppression or devaluation of the self, although in fact there is no evidence that altruistic personalities in general have particularly low self-esteem.


The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy

I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.


attributed, U. S. House of Representatives, Congressional Record, Nov. 15, 2005

Tags: Mother Teresa

I'm not a legend or a hero, I don't slay dragons, I don't do any of the things that a real hero can. But I can make things better, one day at a time, for most of the kingdom.


Fortune's Fool

Reciprocal altruism is highly developed in humans. The moral intuition system that implements it does so largely by producing powerful emotions: pride and pleasure when one cooperates, affection and gratitude when one is helped by others, guilt when one cheats, and outrage when others cheat.


The Illusion of God's Presence: The Biological Origins of Spiritual Longing

If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject.


Philosophy: Who Needs It

Maybe I wanted to add a chip of life to the cosmic scales, which had lately leaned too far to the other side. Maybe this donation was the equivalent of an agnostic's prayer, on the off-chance the supernatural accepts gifts in the form of altruism, to simply make the bad things stop. The truth is that I don't know why I decided to do what I'm doing, and therefore feel no reason to tell other people that they should do anything similar. I've never liked a sermon.


"The Greatest Good", The Atlantic, June 15, 2015

Do you feel under a lot of bad stress lately? Does it feel like the world is weighing down on you? A new research suggests a very interesting way to relieve yourself of the unnecessary pressure: altruism. Yes, being good and kind to others is one of the best ways to be happy, more so when you're under a lot of stress.


"Altruism Is an Awesome Way to De-Stress", Youth Health, December 14, 2015

What goes around comes around. You've heard it a thousand times, and it's rarely true. There's no real justice in the world. Bad guys often win, sometimes precisely because they are horrible, conscienceless people who don't care about other people. That's why the recent movement to a culture of altruism is so refreshing. It's a change brought about by the transparency and speed of social media. Companies can no longer hide toxic culture within the silence of cubicle walls. So who is rising to the top? Companies that care.


"Karma in Action: 5 Reasons Companies Should Give Back", Huffington Post, February 25, 2016

Denying the possibility of pure altruism provides a convenient excuse for selfish behavior. If "everybody is like that" -- if everybody must be like that -- we need not feel guilty about our own self-interested behavior or try to change it.


"Is Pure Altruism Possible?", New York Times, October 19, 2010

We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.


attributed, Enough!: A Buddhist Approach to Finding Release from Addictive Patterns

True happiness, we are told, consists in getting out of one's self; but the point is not only to get out -- you must stay out; and to stay out you must have some absorbing errand.


Roderick Hudson

Tags: Henry James

The compulsion to do good is an innate American trait. Only North Americans seem to believe that they always should, may, and actually can choose somebody with whom to share their blessings. Ultimately this attitude leads to bombing people into the acceptance of gifts.


preface, Celebration of Awareness

Tags: America

Love is not feeling, child, nor even the passion of lovers, which always seeks only its own gratification. It is the act of caring, of giving, the act of protecting the weak, the helpless, the imprisoned and the desperate. Love is the hand raised in defence. You cannot love and keep your hands clean.


The Doctor

Tags: love

Altruism is innate, but it's not instinctual. Everybody's wired for it, but a switch has to be flipped.


interview, Brett News, Jun. 11, 2001

Loving others is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. Altruism that rewards one's self.


Pocket Peace: Effective Practices for Enlightened Living

She is such a good friend that she would throw all her acquaintances into the water for the pleasure of fishing them out again.


attributed, Talleyrand

Altruism is the most successful way to survive.


"Perth Writers' Festival: Day One", ArtsHub, February 23, 2016

Altruism is a genuine love and concern for the wellbeing of others. It is best characterized by the act of giving generously to others, while not asking for or expecting anything in return. This is the noblest thing a human being can do.


The Final Chapter

It is popular to say that the first rule of altruism is never to expect anyone to do anything contrary to his personal interest. Because of the way the brain has evolved, it is especially difficult to protect distant environments if people imagine even a small amount of personal risk or sacrifice. True altruism, this logic continues, is limited to family, tribe, race, or nation, where our genes are seen as indirectly rewarded by our individual devotion to others. God is thought to favor the creation story of the believer's religion over those of all other religions. A patriot considers the moral precepts of his society to be the best in the world. It is the national anthem, not a hymn to human achievement, that is played for Olympic winners.


Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life