Scottish-Canadian author (1849-1912)

It is well if you go in for revenge to make it as complete as possible.


"The Vengeance of the Dead", The English Illustrated Magazine, 1894

Tags: revenge

I say nothing against friendship, for I have tasted the sweets of it, and I know nothing of love, having never myself experienced a touch of it, but I find that in the making of poetry love is the most useful of all the themes that a poet may play upon.


Tekla: A Romance of Love and War

Tags: poetry quotes

It seems to me now that true love is the only theme for either song or story.


Over the Border

Tags: love quotes

The seductive game of poker is one that I do not understand. I do not care to understand it, because it cannot be played without the putting up of a good deal of the coin of the realm, and although I have nothing to say against betting, my own theory of conduct in the matter is this, that I want no man's money which I do not earn, and I do not want any man to get my money unless he earns it.


"The Society for the Reformation of Poker Players"

Tags: poker quotes

The human soul aspires to higher things than the society columns of the New York Sunday papers, and the frivolous chatter of an overheated ballroom.


A Rock in the Baltic

Tags: New York

You spread yourself out too thin, my son. A man who can do everything can do nothing. We specialize in our country. I hire men who can do only one thing, and do that thing better than anybody else.


A Chicago Princess

Tags: Men

The young lady laughed merrily--a melodious ripple of sound. I have heard women's laughter compared to the tinkle of silver bells, but to that musical tintinnabulation was now added something so deliciously human and girlish that the whole effect was nothing short of enchanting.


A Chicago Princess

Tags: laughter

I had been standing there rather stupidly, instead of taking my departure, as I should have done, for I may as well confess that I was astounded at the sumptuous beauty of the girl before me, who had hitherto cast not even a look in my direction. Now she raised her lovely, indescribable eyes to mine, and I felt a thrill extend to my finger-tips. Many handsome women have I seen in my day, but none to compare with this superb daughter of the West.


A Chicago Princess

Tags: beauty

Life is not all glided out to the measures of a Strauss waltz.


A Rock in the Baltic

Time is getting on.... Yes, bad luck to it. It always gallops when you want it to walk, and walks when you want it to gallop, like an ill-trained horse.


The Victors

Tags: time quotes

I was living in the cheapest of all paper houses, living as the Japanese themselves do, on a handful of rice, and learning by experience how very little it requires to keep body and soul together.


A Chicago Princess

Tags: experience