French philosopher & writer (1967- )

The hotel has turned into a supermarket of sleep.


Common Place: The American Motel

I am a writer, I have no prescription. I observe, I observe.


Postap Mag, July 31, 2017

For the time spent in impersonal accommodation has become so brief that the contemporary nomad no longer has the luxury of settling down once and for all. Of greater importance to him is what he can take away with him, what is mobile and portable.


attributed, Temporariness: On the Imperatives of Place

In Las Vegas, everything takes place as if the absence of any sense of belonging to the environment entailed a hypertrophied sensitivity to details. There is no possibility of visual escape into perceptual horizons of indeterminateness (left-right, forward-back, near-far), but, instead, only the pregnancy of enlarged, exaggerated and highlighted forms. Behind each lit-up sign no space is hollowed out, no incipient world. Everything is there, everything is flat. As thick as the giant advertising billboards that ubiquitously package it, loading it with naïve and comic symbols, crude, schematic messages, Las Vegas is a city of literal superficiality.



Las Vegas marks itself out by nothingness. All the negative descriptions that can generally be used in labelling a city apply to it, for its absence of consistency actually makes its existence doubtful: no man's land, waste ground, non-place, ghost town, urban simulacrum, nowhere city, etc. For us it is Zeropolis, the non-city which is the very first city, just as zero is the very first number. The nothing that counts, the nothingness of neon.



Tags: Las Vegas

We no longer have death in our culture: the dead become abstractions, statistics, companies will take charge of the relationship that we can have to our own dead. In 2, 3 days the cremation is done, we can forget, the question is settled and the dead is only a memory. This is problematic, because we risk falling first into what Freud calls melancholy, that is to say the impossibility of mourning because we no longer have an object to mourn.


Postap Mag, July 31, 2017

Tags: death

Today entertainment has in a way colonized many aspects of daily life, even politics. Look at Trump, who is first of all an entertainer known for hosting wrestling or reality TV shows. It did not take away his political credibility after he was elected.


Postap Mag, July 31, 2017