quotations about birth control

For birth control, I rely on my personality.


attributed, The Fourth--and by Far the Most Recent--637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said

Congress should make it so that all sex scenes in all films should be provided with a screaming baby sound track. That should help take away all the fun and may show a major decrease in unwanted pregnancies without having to provide birth control to anyone.


Write Like No One Is Reading

The Pharaoh of old, haunted by the presence and increase of the children of Israel, submitted them to every kind of oppression and ordered that every male child born of the Hebrew women was to be killed. Today not a few of the powerful of the earth act in the same way. They too are haunted by the current demographic growth, and fear that the most prolific and poorest peoples represent a threat for the well-being and peace of their own countries. Consequently, rather than wishing to face and solve these serious problems with respect for the dignity of individuals and families and for every person's inviolable right to life, they prefer to promote and impose by whatever means a massive programme of birth control.


Evangelium Vitae

It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins.


Whether or not birth control is eugenic, hygienic, and economic, it is the most revolutionary practice in the history of sexual morals.


A Preface to Morals

Sneers and jests at birth control are giving way to a reverent understanding of the needs of woman. They who today deny the right of a woman to control her own body speak with the hardihood of invincible ignorance or with the folly of those blind ones who in all ages have opposed the light of progress. Few there are to insist openly that woman remain a passive instrument of reproduction.


Woman and the New Race

How many doctors have you offed?
How many kids will you adopt?
How many more can this world hold?
When you condemn birth control!
You hide behind false propaganda
Your group's of thousands
It's not your choice, it's mine, I've made it
I'll stand behind it every day


"Go Lambs Go!"

The two great sources of the opposition to Birth Control are found in the purely selfish motives of the religionist who wishes his people kept in ignorance of Birth Control and its methods so that they will beget children and yet more children for the glory of God and the Church, and the capitalistic exploiter of labor who is afraid of a diminution in the cheap labor supply.


Birth Control: What Is It?

Clergymen, almost necessarily, fail in two ways as teachers of morals. They condemn acts which do no harm and they condone acts which do great harm. They all condemn relations between unmarried people who are fond of each other but not yet sure that they wish to live together all their lives. Most of them condemn birth control. None of them condemns the brutality of a husband who causes his wife to die of too frequent pregnancies. I knew a fashionable clergyman whose wife had nine children in nine years. The doctors told him that if she had another she would die. Next year she had another and died. No one condemned; he retained his benefice and married again.


What I Believe

He said overpopulation is the problem of today.
There's too many children on the Earth, and more on the way.
If you don't start some birth control, then you won't last too much longer.
It's best that we let it save our souls, so we can get much stronger.
Get much stronger.


"So You Won't Have to Die"

I hold your birth control to ransom
The cells divide and grow inside you
I know what will be
I know what will be


"Bonnie the Cat"

A woman who took the pill with a glass of pond water has been diagnosed three months stagnant.


The Two Ronnies

A birth control pill for men, that's fair. It makes more sense to take the bullets out of the gun than to wear a bulletproof vest.


attributed, The Mammoth Book of Comic Quotes

The only remedy against hunger is reasonable birth control.


Portrait of a Planet

Users of contraception attribute to themselves a power that belongs only to God, the power to decide in the final instance the coming into existence of a human being.


Address on Responsible Procreation, September 17, 1983

Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined primarily by nature for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it deliberately frustrate its natural power and purpose sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious.


Castii Connubii

The acceptability of birth control has always depended on a morality that separates sex from reproduction. In the nineteenth century, when the birth control movement began, such a separation was widely considered immoral. The eventual widespread public acceptance of birth control required a major reorientation of sexual values.


The Moral Property of Women

Many of us were the unplanned children of talented, creative women whose lives had been changed by unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. We witnessed their bitterness, their rage, their disappointment with their lot in life and we were clear that there could be no genuine sexual liberation for women and men without better, safer contraceptives.


Feminism Is For Everybody

The birth control pill, to a great degree, made possible the (hetero)sexual revolution. Yet those who developed oral contraceptives did not intend their work to promote what the majority of Americans at the time called "promiscuity." Doctors generally refused to prescribe the pill to women who were not married; the Supreme Court did not rule this practice unconstitutional until 1972.


Sex in the Heartland

Even as birth control is the means by which woman attains basic freedom, so it is the means by which she must and will uproot the evil she has wrought through her submission. As she has unconsciously and ignorantly brought about social disaster, so must and will she consciously and intelligently undo that disaster and create a new and a better order.


Woman and the New Race