quotations about family

If your family tree does not fork, you might be a redneck.


stand-up routine

Tags: Jeff Foxworthy

Imitation both unconscious and conscious is par excellence the educational method of the family. It is plain that a considerable part of the adaptation of living beings to their environment, i.e., of beings that are born plastic, is passed on from generation to generation through imitation. Were this not so, much if not all of the road traversed by one generation would have to be travelled by the next generation from the very beginning and without short-cuts. Consequently there would be little chance for the novel adaptation, the propitious individual variation, that constitutes progress.


The Family: An Ethnographical and Historical Outline

Tags: Elsie Clews Parsons

Rampant nostalgia for the modern family system, or more precisely, for an idealized version of a 1950s Ozzie and Harriet image of the family, has become an increasingly potent ideological force in the United States, with milder versions evident in Canada and England. Fundamentalist Christians and right-wing Republicans spearheaded the profamily movement that abetted the Reagan "revolution" of the 1980s. By the 1994 electoral season, however, even President Clinton had embraced the ideology of an explicitly centrist campaign for family values led by a small group of social scientists. This ongoing campaign portrays family breakdown as the primary source of social malaise in the United States, blaming the decline of the married-couple family for everything from crime, violence, and declining educational standards to poverty, drug abuse, and sexually transmitted disease.


In the Name of the Family

Tags: Judith Stacey

Children keep a family together, especially when one can't get a babysitter.


Electricity on the Farm

Tags: Frederick Shepperd

A family, to be complete, must consist of freemen and slaves; and as every complex object naturally resolves itself into simple elements, we must consider the elements of a family--the master and servant, the husband and wife, the father and children; what all of these are in themselves, and what are the relations which they naturally and properly bear to each other.



Tags: Aristotle

A good many family trees are shady.


Poems and Paragraphs

Tags: Robert Elliott Gonzales

Break up the institution of the family, deny the inviolability of its relations, and in a little while there would not be any humanity.


Living Words

Tags: E. H. Chapin

The family was an art ... and the dinner table was the place it found expression.



Tags: Don DeLillo

A family without a black sheep is not a typical family.


"Die schwarzen Schafe"

Tags: Heinrich Böll

I don't have to look up my family tree, because I know that I'm the sap.


Much Ado about Me

Tags: Fred Allen

The striking point about our model family is not simply the compete-compete, consume-consume style of life it urges us to follow.... The striking point, in the face of all the propaganda, is how few Americans actually live this way.


The Future of the Family

Tags: Louise Kapp Howe

The great want in family life that strikes me is this, that there are so few tête-à-têtes. You live on from year's end to year's end, surrounded by those whom you love, and chatting together; but it is rare to be thrown alone with any one individual, and have really intimate talk with him or her. Yet the difference in value is immense between mere social chat, and that mingling of mind with mind, which is impossible if others are by. But the real fact is, that unless some effort is made for it, or unless circumstances are unusually favourable, the very members of the same family live, one might say, on parallel lines, without ever touching.


Notes of Thought

Tags: Charles Buxton

Woman is the highest, holiest, most precious gift to man. Her mission and throne is the family, and if anything is withheld that would make her more efficient, useful, or happy in that sphere, she is wronged, and has not her rights.


Woman's Rights

Tags: John Todd

Family time is the best time.


Twitter post, Jan. 1, 2014

Tags: Carmelo Anthony

Where love exists with self-respect and joy, where a fine environment is provided for the child, where the parents live under conditions that neither stunt the imagination nor let it run to uncontrolled fantasy, there you have the family that modern men are seeking to create.


Drift and Mastery: An Attempt to Diagnose the Current Unrest

Tags: Walter Lippmann

If Mr. Vincent Price were to be co-starred with Miss Bette Davis in a story by Mr. Edgar Allan Poe directed by Mr. Roger Corman, it could not fully express the pent-up violence and depravity of a single day in the life of the average family.


Manners from Heaven

Tags: Quentin Crisp

There is one class of men who from time to time have taken a keen and practical interest in the constitution of the Family, and they are the Statesmen. They have realized how intimately the welfare of the State depends upon the influence and nature of the Families from which it is constituted; and they have endeavoured that the State in turn should mould and influence the Family to its own purposes.


The Family

Tags: Helen Dendy Bosanquet

No matter how much television dramas go on singing the cloying praises of the family, it is the outside world, full of enemies and lechers, that passes on a man's worth, pays his wages, and guarantees him the right to live.


The Face of Another

Tags: Kobo Abe

Forms of family life vary from one society to another. There are no universal rules about who is considered to be "in" a family, who lives with whom, who is socially allowed to have sex with whom, who shares economic resources and who has responsibility for children.


Family: Changing Families

Tags: Marilyn Poole

That was what you did with family when you'd been worried about them, you grabbed them and held on to them and told them how much they'd pissed you off, and it was okay, because no matter how angry you got, they still belonged to you.


City of Glass

Tags: Cassandra Clare