quotations about Hell

The greatest misconception about hell is that it doesn't exist. Just as we believe scientists when they tell us there is such a thing as gravity, so should we believe God when he tells us there is such a place as hell. Many people wonder how a merciful and caring God could send people to such a terrible place. The truth is that God doesn't send anyone to hell; people choose to go there by their own rebellion, and God honors their choice.


The Complete Book of Life's Questions

Hell doesn't come looking for humanity since it's a dead energy field, so it is humanity that is looking for hell.


Humanity Under Siege in the 21st Century and Why?

Hell doesn't exactly take people to heaven, but the eternal place apart from God sure makes people wonder about heaven. If they're pondering hell, odds are heaven will get some of their attention as well. In that respect, at least the topic of hell could coincide with Judgment Day and serve as a path to heaven.


52 Paths to Heaven

Is Hell supposed to be figuratively interpreted? This debate partly pivots on the different interpretations of words and how they translate through language transitions, for example, from the original language to Greak and Latin. This is a complex debate beyond the scope of this book but I totally agree with the conclusions of most Christian commentators that Jesus taught this doctrine. Even if the "real" Jesus did not teach it, the Jesus Christ of the Bible, the character invented by the gospel writers and the early Church did, and this is the larger than life fantasy figure that has shaped history. We have to define Hell in literal terms because this is being true to the original intentions of the gospel writers. The original intention of the founders was to think of Hell as a cosmic torture chamber with literal torments. They took the belief from their surrounding culture which had absorbed hell-fire notions possibly from Persian Zoroastrianism which propounded a literal belief in Hell and from other sources, among them the Essenes and Pharisees, who at the time of Jesus believed in Hell. Jesus had ample opportunity to condemn the belief that was an accepted part of the theological currency of his era but he chose to adopt it as a keynote ingredient of his central salvation message.


Sex and the Devil's Wager

God too has his hell: it is his love of man.


Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Hell doesn't exist. Paradise doesn't exist.... they are only subjective dimensions of our minds, crystallized in ether formed by our active thoughts. In these regions our inner sufferings last and multiply.


Beyond the Heavens

Satan knows where he's headed and he knows the everlasting punishment that awaits him there. Now he wants to persuade everyone he can (including you) to follow him to that place of torment. He'll make you believe any of his lies that he can to deceive you into being his roommate in hell forever. If he can make you believe that you will rule and reign with him there, then he'll do that. If he can make you believe that hell doesn't really exist, then that's what he'll do. If he can convince you that hell is a wonderful place, that will be his tactic. Satan will do whatever it takes to stop you from believing and receiving the truth. And the truth is; Satan hates you with a passion! His only desire is to hear your agonizing screams as you share his torture in the burning flames of hell.


Stairway to Hell

Hell is of this world and there are men who are unhappy
escapees from hell, escapees destined eternally to
reenact their escape.


General Security: The Liquidation of Opium

As Heaven is the object of our deepest desire, Hell is the object of our deepest fear. Our hearts are so deep that we don't even know our deepest desires and fears very clearly. But we do know that these two things match each other: our deepest desire is to be freed from our deepest fear, and our deepest fear is that we fail to attain our deepest desire. So if our deepest desire is to be in a love relationship with God--with infinite understanding, infinite love, and infinite beauty--then our deepest fear is to fail to attain that deepest desire forever, to have no hope of attaining it anymore. That's why in Dante's Inferno the sign over the gate of Hell reads: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."


Because God Is Real

For then will be the incorruptible Judge,
the terrible judgment-seat,
the answer without excuses,
the inevitable charges,
the stern punishment,
the endless Gehenna,
the pitiless Angels,
the yawning hell,
the roaring stream of fire,
the unquenchable flame,
the dark prison,
the rayless darkness,
the bed of live coals,
the sleepless worm,
the indissoluble chains,
the bottomless chaos,
the impassable wall,
the inconsolable cry,
none to stand by me,
none to plead for me,
none to snatch me out.


The Private Devotions of Lancelot Andrewes

I have no fear of the Hereafter. An orthodox hell could hardly be more torture than my life has been.


letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, Jul. 1925

There is one very serious defect to my mind in Christ's moral character, and that is that He believed in hell. I do not myself feel that any person who is really profoundly humane can believe in everlasting punishment.


"The Moral Problem,", Why I Am Not a Christian

As for the gates of hell, is there any other institution in Christendom which compares with this for immovability, authority and impressiveness?


The Religion of the Plain Man

Tags: Robert Hugh Benson

Heaven and Hell are man's hopes and his fears extended beyond the grave.


Unmoral Maxims

There are materials enough in every man's mind to make a hell there.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Now let us try for a moment to realize, as far as we can, the nature of that abode of the damned which the justice of an offended God has called into existence for the eternal punishment of sinners. Hell is a strait and dark and foul-smelling prison, an abode of demons and lost souls, filled with fire and smoke. The straitness of this prison house is expressly designed by God to punish those who refused to be bound by His laws. In earthly prisons the poor captive has at least some liberty of movement, were it only within the four walls of his cell or in the gloomy yard of his prison. Not so in hell. There, by reason of the great number of the damned, the prisoners are heaped together in their awful prison, the walls of which are said to be four thousand miles thick: and the damned are so utterly bound and helpless that, as a blessed saint, saint Anselm, writes in his book on similitudes, they are not even able to remove from the eye a worm that gnaws it.


A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

If Hell were possible, it would be the shortest cut to the highest heaven. For verily God loveth.


Thoughts and Aphorisms

Make no mistake: Hell is punishment--but it's not a punishing. It's not torture. The punishment of hell is separation from God, bringing shame, anguish, and regret. And because we will have both body and soul in the resurrected state, the misery experienced can be both mental and physical. But the pain that's suffered will be due to the sorrow from the final, ultimate, unending banishment from God, his kingdom, and the good life for which we were created in the first place. People in hell will deeply grieve all they've lost.


The Case for Faith

To those who wish to punish others -- or at least to see them punished, if the avengers are too cowardly to take matters in to their own hands -- the belief in a fiery, hideous hell appears to be a great source of comfort.


Steve Allen on the Bible

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to go to hell any more than the next guy (especially if eternal conscious torment ends up involving some form of nonstop Barry Manilow music marathon). It's just that the threat of hell doesn't move me any longer.


Getting Rid of the Gorilla