English essayist and critic (1775-1834)
I grow ominously tired of official confinement. Thirty years have I served the Philistines, and my neck is not subdued to the yoke. You don't know how wearisome it is to breathe the air of four pent walls without relief day after day, all the golden hours of the day between ten and four without ease or interposition ... these pestilential clerk-faces always in one's dish. O for a few years between the grave and the desk!
letter to William Wordsworth, Mar. 20, 1822
Clap an extinguisher on your irony, if you are unhappily blessed with a vein of it.
A Complete Elia
Time partially reconciles us to anything. I gradually became content--doggedly contented, as wild animals in cages.
"The Superannuated Man", Elia and The last essays of Elia
I love to lose myself in other men's minds.
"Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading", Last Essays of Elia
Men marry for fortune, and sometimes to please their fancy; but, much oftener than is suspected, they consider what the world will say of it--how such a woman in their friends' eyes will look at the head of a table. Hence we see so many insipid beauties made wives of, that could not have struck the particular fancy of any man that had any fancy at all.
"Table-Talk and Fragments of Criticism", The Life and Works of Charles Lamb
In some respects the better a book is, the less it demands from binding.
"On Books and Reading", The Last Essays of Elia
A man may do very well with a very little knowledge, and scarce be found out in mixed company; everybody is so much more ready to produce his own than to call for a display of your acquisition.
"The Old and the New Schoolmaster", Elia and the Last Essays of Elia
Friend of my bosom, thou more than a brother, Why wert thou not born in my father's dwelling?
The Collected Essays of Charles Lamb
I am determined my children shall be brought up in their father's religion, if they can find out what it is.
letter to John Chambers, 1817
A book reads the better which is our own, and has been so long known to us, that we know the topography of its blots, and dog's ears, and can trace the dirt in it to having read it at tea with buttered muffins.
letter to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Oct. 11, 1802
It is rather an unpleasant fact, that the ugliest and awkwardest of brute animals have the greatest resemblance to man: the monkey and the bear. The monkey is ugly too (so we think) because he is like man--as the bear is awkward, because the cumbrous action of its huge paws seems to be a preposterous imitation of the motions of human hands. Men and apes are the only animals that have hairs on the under eye-lid. Let kings know this.
"Table Talk", Works: Essays and Sketches
For God's sake (I never was more serious), don't make me ridiculous any more by terming me gentle-hearted in print.... Please to blot out gentle hearted, and substitute drunken dog, ragged head, seld-shaven, odd-ey'd, stuttering, or any other epithet which truly and properly belongs to the Gentleman in question.
letter to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Aug. 1800
Not many sounds in life, and I include all urban and rural sounds, exceed in interest a knock at the door.
"Valentine's Day", Essays of Elia
I conceive disgust at those impertinent and misbecoming familiarities, inscribed upon your ordinary tombstones. Every dead man must take upon himself to be lecturing me with his odious truism, that "such as he now is, I must shortly be." Not so shortly, friend, perhaps, as thou imaginest. In the meantime I am alive. I move about. I am worth twenty of thee. Know thy betters!
"New Year's Eve", Essays of Elia
I know that a sweet child is the sweetest thing in nature, not even excepting the delicate creatures which bear them.
"A Bachelor's Complaint", Elia and the Last Essays of Elia
Dehortations from the use of strong liquors have been the favourite topic of sober declaimers in all ages, and have been received with abundance of applause by water-drinking critics. But with the patient himself, the man that is to be cured, unfortunately their sound has seldom prevailed.
"Confessions of a Drunkard", The Last Essays of Elia
Every commonplace or trite observation is not a truism.
Mrs. Leicester's School and Other Writings in Prose and Verse
Books think for me.
"Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading", Last Essays of Elia
Shut not thy purse-strings always against painted distress. Act a charity sometimes. When a poor creature (outwardly and visibly such) comes before thee, do not stay to inquire whether the "seven small children," in whose name he implores thy assistance, have a veritable existence. Rake not into the bowels of unwelcome truth, to save a halfpenny. It is good to believe him.
"Decay of Beggars", Elia
Milton almost requires a solemn service of music to be played before you enter upon him. But he brings his music, to which, who listens, had need bring docile thoughts and purged ears.
"On Books and Reading", The Last Essays of Elia