quotations about love

love quote

If a thing loves, it is infinite.


Annotations to Swedenborg

Becoming addicted to love isn't uncommon. The chemicals released during that first phase are the same or similar to those released when consuming cocaine or drinking alcohol. And for some people the desire to feel that way all the time can be hard to resist.


"Yes, it is Possible to Be Addicted to Love", beliefnet, August 8, 2018

Some things you can feel coming. You don't fall in love because you fall in love; you fall in love because of the need, desperate, to fall in love. When you feel that need, you have to watch your step: like having drunk a philter, the kind that makes you fall in love with the first thing you meet. It could be a duck-billed platypus.


Foucault's Pendulum

Tags: Umberto Eco

Love kills.


Love Kills

Tags: Edna Buchanan

To describe love-making is immoral and immodest; you know it is. To describe it as it really is, or would appear to you and me as lookers-on, would be to describe the most dreary farce, to chronicle the most tautological twaddle. To take note of sighs, hand-squeezes, looks at the moon, and so forth--does this business become our dignity as historians? Come away from those foolish young people--they don't want us; and dreary as their farce is, and tautological as their twaddle, you may be sure it amuses them, and that they are happy enough without us.



Man ever is and always shall be blessed; for he loves, and love is an onward current that never ebbs; and borne upon this current humanity will at last make its far, fair haven; and meanwhile, as it voyages, it will find the course not too rough, but glorified by frequent halcyon days and calm nights set with stars.


Robert Browning

Our love is a harsh cord
that binds us wounding us
and if we want
to leave our wound,
to separate,
it makes a new knot for us and condemns us
to drain our blood and burn together.


"The Furies"

Trust Love, nor fear to soar upon his track.
The wings that bore to Heaven will bear thee back.


De Flagello Myrtes

Tags: Richard Garnett

Of the affairs of love ... my only advice is to be honest. That's your most powerful tool to unlock a heart or gain forgiveness.



We love being in love, that's the truth on't. If we had not met Joan, we should have met Kate, and adored her. We know our mistresses are no better than many other women, nor no prettier, nor no wiser, nor no wittier. 'Tis not for these reasons we love a woman, or for any special quality or charm I know of; we might as well demand that a lady should be the tallest woman in the world, like the Shropshire giantess, as that she should be a paragon in any other character, before we began to love her.



Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves.


Kafka on the Shore

Tags: Haruki Murakami

Love is just a system for getting someone to call you Darling after sex.


Talking It Over

Tags: Julian Barnes

The poorest lives some little blossoms bring
To deck Love's altar in the days of spring.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: Elsa Barker

Love between a man and woman is war.


The Father

Tags: August Strindberg

Love is not some mushy feeling for your parents that you are born with, or a romanticized sexuality you learn from magazines. It is action. If you know what love is you can never be in doubt about whether someone loves you or you love someone.


The Fury of Rachel Monette

Tags: Peter Abrahams

Love has an extraordinary variety of forms! And that is all that there is in life, it seems to me. But I grant you, if you deny the VARIETY of love you deny love altogether. If you try to specialize love into one set of accepted feelings, you wound the very soul of love. Love MUST be multiform, else it is just tyranny, just death.


The Ladybird

David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 - 2 March 1930) was an English writer and poet. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection on the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. His opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile he called his "savage pilgrimage".

Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.


Their Eyes Were Watching God

Tags: Zora Neale Hurston

My God, these folks don't know how to love -- that's why they love so easily.


letter to Blanche Jennings, May 8, 1909

David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 - 2 March 1930) was an English writer and poet. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection on the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. His opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile he called his "savage pilgrimage".

Tags: D. H. Lawrence

Before I met my husband, I'd never fallen in love. I'd stepped in it a few times.


stand-up routine

Tags: Rita Rudner

But the most common species of love is that which first arises from beauty, and afterwards diffuses itself into kindness and into the bodily appetite. Kindness or esteem, and the appetite to generation, are too remote to unite easily together. The one is, perhaps, the most refined passion of the soul; the other the most gross and vulgar. The love of beauty is placed in a just medium betwixt them, and partakes of both their natures: From whence it proceeds, that it is so singularly fitted to produce both.


"Of the Amorous Passion, or Love Betwixt the Sexes", A Treatise of Human Nature