quotations about marriage

When the hour of adversity arrives, when false friends are scattered, when we are moving through the keen atmosphere of selfishness, then it is that the virtuous wife, like an angel of light, shines with peculiar lustre.



Tags: William Scott Downey

Marriage--what an abomination! Love--yes, but not marriage. Love cannot exist in marriage, because love is an ideal; that is to say, something not quite understood--transparencies, colour, light, a sense of the unreal. But a wife--you know all about her--who her father was, who her mother was, what she thinks of you and her opinion of the neighbours over the way. Where, then, is the dream, the au dela? There is none. I say in marriage an au dela is impossible ... the endless duet of the marble and the water, the enervation of burning odours, the baptismal whiteness of women, light, ideal tissues, eyes strangely dark with kohl, names that evoke palm trees and ruins, Spanish moonlight or maybe Persepolis. The monosyllable which epitomizes the ennui and the prose of our lives is heard not, thought not there--only the nightingale-harmony of an eternal yes. Freedom limitless; the Mahometan stands on the verge of the abyss, and the spaces of perfume and colour extend and invite him with the whisper of a sweet unending yes. The unknown, the unreal ... Thus love is possible, there is a delusion, an au dela.


Confessions of a Young Man

Tags: George Moore

What are the legitimate objects of marriage? We know that many people seek to marry for ends that can scarcely be called legitimate, that men may marry to obtain a cheap domestic drudge or nurse, and that women may marry to be kept when they are tired of keeping themselves. These objects in marriage may or may not be moral, but in any case they are scarcely its legitimate ends. We are here concerned to ascertain those ends of marriage which are legitimate when we take the highest ground as moral and civilised men and women living in an advanced state of society and seeking, if we can, to advance that state of society still further.


"The Objects of Marriage", Little Essays of Love and Virtue

Tags: Havelock Ellis

The expectations you bring to your partnership can make or break your marriage. Don't miss out on the sterling moments of marriage because your ideals are out of sync with your partner's. Don't believe the myth that you and your partner automatically come with the same expectations for marriage. Instead, remember that the more openly you discuss your differing expectations, the more likely you are to create a vision of marriage that you agree on--and that is unique to the two of you.


Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

Tags: Leslie L. Parrott

Marriage is like a book. The whole story takes place between the covers.



Tags: Mae West

Marriage is not an event. It's a journey. And what I mean by that is you learn from each other every day.


Birmingham Times, November 29, 2017

Every marriage tends to consist of an aristocrat and a peasant. Of a teacher and a learner.



Tags: John Updike

Hail wedded love, mysterious law, true source
Of human offspring, sole propriety,
In Paradise of all things common else.


Paradise Lost

Tags: John Milton

A husband and wife ought to continue so long united as they love each other. Any law which should bind them to cohabitation for one moment after the decay of their affection, would be a most intolerable tyranny, and the most unworthy of toleration.


notes, Queen Mab

Tags: Percy Bysshe Shelley

Marriage and its entourage of possession and jealousy enslave the spirit.


When Nietzsche Wept

Tags: Irvin D. Yalom

The secret to a long and healthy marriage is to work at it and don't try and change each other.


interview with James Marshall, September 16, 2007

Tags: Jack LaLanne

Some women marry for love, some for money, and some for a home. It is not known why men marry.


Country Town Sayings

Tags: Edgar Watson Howe

Probably the institution of marriage had its origin in love of property. Both men and women were united in this--that whatever they loved best, they wished to possess. The usual theory holds that the communal system would not permit the gratification of this desire at the expense of communal rights, and that therefore men were driven to gratify their passion by purchasing or by capturing women from neighboring and hostile tribes.


Historical Essays

Tags: Henry Adams

Marriage is for woman the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution.


Marriage and Morals

Getting married is like permanently grafting your hand to the cookie jar. No matter how sweet those cookies may taste, you can't help but wonder what would have happened if you'd chosen some other dessert--brownies, for instance, or frozen yogurt ... or maybe chocolate strudel.


Marriage Quotes and Quibbles

Before marriage a woman may procure some éclat by pretending to believe in the fiction of her ascendancy; but after marriage, the worshipped beauty becomes a very plain every-day sort of person, and the poetry of the sex's power is at an end for ever!


Marriage: A Comedy in Five Acts

Tags: Robert Bell

A fulfilling sex life is one of the most powerful marital glues a couple can have.


Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Tags: Kevin Leman

There are innumerable marriages where two people, both twisted and wrong in their depths, are well matched, making each other miserable in the way they need, in the way the pattern of their life demands.


The Grass Is Singing

Tags: Doris Lessing

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.


The Neurotic's Notebook

Tags: Mignon McLaughlin

How you end something as profound and important as a marriage is a reflection of how you live your life--financially, emotionally, and spiritually.


The Road to Wealth

Tags: Suze Orman