quotations about scuba diving

Eat. Sleep. Dive.


It's another world, what the sea gives us. It's a paradise.


"Paraplegic Man Finds Freedom Through Scuba Diving", National Geographic, February 2, 2017

As you're carefully assembling your gear, the thousands of rules and precautions are flying through your head; you're imaging the absolute worst-case scenario. As you complete the last step of assembly and turn the knob to release the oxygen, the light hiss of the tank embodies a helping hand that will guide you through your entire underwater adventure.


"The scuba diving experience", The Breeze, January 16, 2017

Night diving is amazing. Once the sun sets, a new cast of nocturnal animals replace the reef dwellers of the day, and in the narrow beam of your torch, true colors are revealed in all their vivid glory. Of course, finding yourself surrounded by the utter blackness of the ocean at night can also be intimidating, especially for first-time night divers.


"Scuba Diving 101: How to Adapt to Different Diving Environments", Deeper Blue, June 29, 2017

Your only source of oxygen comes from a mouthpiece, far too small, attached to the regulator strapped to your back. (You've never even met the regulator before. It didn't even buy you coffee first. You don't even know its last name.) Putting all your faith in a regulator to sustain your breath, your life force, goes against many basic survival instincts. And there's just something insane about not being able to breathe out of your nose.


"Scuba diving is scary", Daily Californian, September 24, 2017

Scuba diving is like driving a car. If you're careful and pay attention it's a very safe activity, but if you're not it can be very dangerous.


"Divin' in: Scuba diving comes to midwest", Pawhuska Journal-Capital, September 1, 2017

Everyone who knows me well says I have OCD (or Obsessive Compulsive Diving), and I suppose regularly diving for over two hours in 10-14 degree Celsius water might serve as sufficient proof of that.


interview, PADI, July 16, 2015

Exploits of television heroes notwithstanding, diving is not limited to the young. If ever there was an activity suited to people of all ages, it is diving. As with any activity that calls for some degree of physical exertion, the key to successful diving is in knowing your own limitations and staying within them. Experienced divers pace themselves. Since scuba diving is a go-at-your-own-pace, non-competitive activity, staying within your own physical limitations is easy to do.


"You're NOT too old to SCUBA dive!", Motor Boating & Sailing, April/May 1971

When you're diving, time passes far too quickly and before you know it a week has passed and you didn't even realize it ... you only know by the increasing amount of washing building up in the corner of the apartment.


"An Interview with Padi Master Scuba Diver Trainer, Kamel Mohamed", Eagle Divers

As a diver you are weightless and can move in all directions. You approach the freedom of a bird as you move in three dimensions in a fluid environment.


Scuba Diving

Tags: Dennis Graver

Nine metres... 15 metres... 18 metres... Scuba diving is a strange, reverential experience: breathing through an oxygen tank, a meditative series of inhales and exhales, in an otherwise inhospitable environment. Total submersion dulls your sense of touch and deprives you of sound and smell, focusing perception through your mask -- a window into the unfathomable. The sensation is wonderful and exhilarating, but tempered by a heightened awareness of your fragile, alien body.


"I was underwater and in trouble: a scuba diver's nightmare", The Globe and Mail, July 3, 2018

For me, scuba diving is a significant part of my personal health management for the PTSD I brought back from combat, because in order to be safe while scuba diving, you have to be calm under the water. I am able to bring that PTSD, that hyperawareness, down and function much better in real life for a significant period of time after I've had a chance to go diving.


"Scuba: more than just a hobby", DVIDS, July 21, 2017

You mentioned taking a holiday
And I recalled you couldn't swim
So I booked us scuba diving
Off the north coast of Belgium, oh my, oh my
And I drew an image in my head
Of you sinking just like lead
But I never found you washed up on the shore
I've gotta take my plot back to the drawing board, oh my, oh my, oh my


"Drawing Board"

SCUBA diving is not considered a good exercise for aerobic conditioning. If SCUBA divers do everything "right," by maintaining neutral buoyancy, drifting with currents, and breathing slowly and deeply while underwater, they should expend less energy than when resting on land.


Diving Science

Tags: Michael Strauss

Taking your first breath underwater is an incredible experience. You've been breathing your whole life, it's the definition of second nature, but all of a sudden the whole game has changed. It's something that you've never focused on but now it won't escape your mind.


"The scuba diving experience", The Breeze, January 16, 2017

For most people, this is as close to being an astronaut as you'll ever get. It's leaving planet Earth behind and entering an alien world.


"How to Get Scuba Certified--And Why You Should", Conde Nast Traveler, August 8, 2017

The key to enjoying scuba diving is to equip yourself with knowledge and certification.


"Want to go scuba diving? Here's what you need to know", Femina, May 16, 2017

Scuba diving is an amazing sport to us, humans, but what does the marine life think about us invading their habitat? Is it amazing for the fish and corals? Not always. It isn't easy to admit, but it's the truth: we often negatively impact the marine flora and fauna.


"10 Tips to be a Responsible Scuba Diver", DiveZone, October 5, 2017

Most of the problems in scuba diving come from ourselves.


The Why-To of Scuba Diving

Tags: Jim Crockett

Someone asks what it is like to dive, and I tell them its like going to a different world. I think it would be the same feeling as going to outer space. You are floating in water like being in a space suit. The scenery is totally different and every thing seems to be floating in slow motion around you.


"Interview: SCUBA Diving in Borneo with Ting Suk Eng", Where Sidewalk Ends: Connecting You to a Disconnected Planet