quotations about sex education

The facts of life can be told in 15 minutes.


attributed, "Voices: Phyllis Schlafly", Generation Progress, March 28, 2005

Theoretically it is possible to argue that although the whole process of sex education is value-laden, values should not be included as part of the content of sex education. But it is impossible in practice to keep values out of the learning process. Students in schools not only learn what they are taught, but also pick things up through the varied processes of the hidden curriculum. And if sex education is as saturated in values as we have suggested, there is nothing we can do to stop students from picking up some of these values, albeit unconsciously. This being so, we believe that sex educators have a moral responsibility to redognize the way they are influencing children's developing values and bring this influence to consciousness. This in turn enables careful reflection on the influence they are having on these developing values, in order to ensure that this influence is reasonable, justifiable and in the best interests of the children they teach.


Values in Sex Education: From Principles to Practice

Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions.


attributed, "Voices: Phyllis Schlafly", Generation Progress, March 28, 2005

Tags: Phyllis Schlafly

Before the child ever gets to school it will have received crucial, almost irrevocable sex education and this will have been taught by the parents, who are not aware of what they are doing.


People Magazine, January 21, 1980

People on both sides of the debate usually agree that it is important for adults to deliberately educate youth about sex, rather than allowing pop culture to influence them. But which adults should be the educators? People on both sides of the debate believe it is vital for parents to discuss sex with their children. They believe this promotes healthy conversations and openness, which will lead young people to make better sexual decisions. Some people feel that parents and families are the only adults who should provide sex education to their own children. THey do not think it is helpful for schools and teachers to offer sex education. They believe sex topics should remain private. Some parents worry that the shools will teach their children something that they as parents do not support. They want to be in control of their children's sex education. Many other people believe sex education is an appropriate topic for school classrooms. They believe it is important to have open dialogue about sex issues so that students can have the opportunity to ask questions. They believe sex education is important enough to be part of standard curriculum for all students. They worry that if it is left up to individual parents, then some students may not get complete or accurate information.


Sex Education in Schools