quotations about stamp collecting

There is no hobby that I know of which has so many pleasant ramifications as philately. It lays open to the collector a thousand alluring bypaths, and few are the general collectors who do not stray into at least one of them.


Paper Chase

One of the greatest thrills of stamp collecting is finding a rare or unusual stamp. There are old stamps waiting to be discovered in all kinds of ordinary places such as attics, trunks and desk drawers, as well as on old envelopes and packages.


A Beginner's Guide to Stamp Collecting

Here you complain about paying federal taxes but are willing to pay in advance for a service and never use it. Really, that's what stamp collecting is. Here's how it works: I pay six dollars and something for a book of stamps. Instead of redeeming them for delivery service by sticking them on a letter and giving it to the post office, I keep them to sell later and, as with most things, at a profit less than interest in a bank. No wonder the United States Postal Service pushes stamp collecting. They get to keep the money that was not put into service by collectors.


I Think Therefore I Am: A Collection of My Thoughts

Any stamp that has appreciated to $25 or more in the last 65 to 175 years deserves consideration as a good investment for the future. There is little history of such stamps suffering a decline in value, which for many investors, seeking asset diversification, is sufficient.


"Defining Stamp Investing", Forbes, September 18, 2015

My worldly wealth I hoard in albums three,
My life collection of rare postage stamps;
My room is cold and bare as you can see,
My coat is old and shabby as a tramp's;
Yet more to me than balances in banks,
My albums three are worth a million francs.


"Stamp Collector", Songs of a Sun-lover

One of the great pleasures of stamp collecting is that it can be varied to suit anyone's individual needs. There are really no 'rights' or 'wrongs' to collecting stamps. You collect what you want in the way that pleases you most.


How about Stamp Collecting

Another value of stamp collecting is its relationship to geography and history, its current gossip of the globe we live on and its political changes.


Paper Chase

Stamp collecting is looked upon by many people as a solitary hobby. Their mistake. Being a part of a stamp club or society brings together like-minded friends who help each other improve as philatelists.


"Keeping & Maintaining a High-Quality Stamp Collection", Linn's Stamp News, August 25, 2016

Stamp collecting is perhaps one of the least likely areas that you might think of making an investment, but if you have a specific interest in this area, there are many gems that can help you to turn a profit.


"Stamp-collecting can bring first class profits", The Telegraph, August 1, 2012

The stamp collector's progress from beginner to addict falls, like the melancholy Jacques's chronicle of man, into several stages. First usually in his teens he buys a small album and orders various ten-cent assortments "1,000 all different, catalogue value, $2.37." He haunts the display cases in department or stationery stores and outside the stamp dealers' doors. Presently he begins taking stamp periodicals and joins a club. Within a few years he is not satisfied with a used stamp detached from the envelope, but craves the envelope, too he calls it a "cover" now. He falls a victim to the first-day fad and has a cover always ready to be mailed from the point of issuance of a new stamp. He has already acquired a specialty of some sort -- perhaps two or three of them. When he begins carrying a small magnifying glass in his pocket with which to scrutinize stamps, his case may be regarded as hopeless.


Paper Chase

When examined through a critical political-geographic lens, stamp collecting is revealed to be more than just a benign, leisurely pursuit. It is a highly politicized act that not only lends legitimacy to the modern, territorial-bounded-state paradigm but also provides a discourse and forum for the ubiquitous struggle of national secessionist and autonomy movements.


Making Political Geography

The official designs of the Government, especially its designs in connection with postage stamps and coinage may be described, I think, as the silent ambassadors of national taste.


remarks on Coinage Bill 1926 Second Stage, March 3, 1926

Tags: W. B. Yeats

[The collector's aim is] to reassemble the whole of the stamps issued in one country, in a certain part of the world, or if possible, of the whole universe, and not to estimate the value of stamps according to their beauty of engraving or design.


The Philatelic Magazine, October 21, 1922

Stamp collecting is rich in history and covers virtually every topic, from cartoons to famous actors, politicians, cars, trains, planes, boats, motorcycles, dinosaurs, kings and queens, princes and princesses, historical events, plants, animals, and so much more.


"The website devoted to getting kids into stamp collecting", Linn's Stamp News, February 17, 2017

Is it the intention to establish a cheap portrait-gallery of living princes and rulers?... What curiosity can any reasonable being have to possess the commonplace effigies of the most commonplace-looking people in Europe?


writing on the new stamp collecting fad, Blackwood's Magazine, 1864

You can collect stamps because they are beautiful, historically important, illustrate something that appeals to you, are a connection to the past, or any other reason that strikes your fancy.


Guide to Stamp Collecting

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "How in a free country such as this, can we ban video games and golf, yet continue to permit stamp collecting?"


Dave Barry's Bad Habits

The philatelic industry is once again focused on how to grow our hobby, perhaps this time with a more determined focus. The increased focus is, in part, because the decline in the USA and Western Europe of the number of collectors is reaching an inflection point from which recovery becomes less likely.


"New Stamp Issuance's Affect On The Hobby", Forbes, May 3, 2017

Stamp collectors are not a larcenous lot for the most part. I don't have statistics on it, but I'd say my "loss" rate was much less than 0.001%.


"Attention: It's time to embrace change and move stamp collecting forward", Linn's Stamp News, July 8, 2017

Let's not mince words -- collecting stamps is not considered the most rock 'n' roll of pursuits. In fact in many minds philately equals fusty. It's considered the domain of the anoraky obsessive who sits in their bedroom sticking "treasures" into albums while poring over catalogues with a magnifying glass. A taste for stamp collecting is something to be confided quietly not sung from the rooftops.


"Philately will get you everywhere", Express, April 6, 2011